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Recent Developments-Personal Injury Accidents and The Injuries Board

The Injuries Board may assess compensation in accidents where liability is accepted by another party or where that party fails to respond to the Board. They will decline to assess claims where there is medical negligence or where there is a dispute over responsibility. In such circumstances the Board will authorize that the claim be permitted to proceed through the Courts. That does not mean that the parties must proceed to a Court hearing – they are free to settle their dispute as they see fit. Claims involving infants (anyone under 18 years of age) must be approved by a Court.

Whether the Board accepts or declines a claim it is always highly advisable to get advice from a personal injuries lawyer. The role of solicitors in such circumstances is to apply their skill, experience and expertise in advising clients and ensuring the best possible outcome for their client’s claim. Injuries by their very nature have a different effect on each individual and, as the consequences differ, so too will the value of each persons claim. Consequently a claimant will require services of a Solicitor in any claim where liability is disputed, any claim involving medical negligence and any claim involving an infant.

However claimants should also consult a lawyer in cases assessed by the Board to establish whether the compensation assessed represents the full value of the claim. In our opinion this is vital. Our experience is that where the Board’s assessment is rejected higher settlements (or indeed higher Court assessments) are often achieved. Our advices are given with a history of specialized knowledge and vast experience in this area. We treat all cases with sensitivity and confidentiality. We ensure that all claims are professionally dealt with and secure the best possible outcome.

If you wish to arrange a consultation please contact